My goal in writing tales is to help you escape into a book filled with magic and myth and where anything is possible. The great thing about mythology is that we get a chance to dive into history, ancient cultures and try to understand how the people of then saw and experienced the world. Around the world, the different mythologies came up with ways in which they interacted with their deities, and also how they saw them.
There is never a myth on how the gods created the different races (race is a human construct). The mythology talks about creation and the first people. In Norse mythology, it specifically speaks of the first people – Ask and Embla, who were created from driftwood (from the ash tree) found on the beach. Odin blew the breath of life into them, and his brothers, Vili and Ve, gifted them with consciousness and the ability to speak, hear and see. After that, Ask and Embla were clothed, given names and Midgard for their dwelling place.
Want to know more about Odin?Check out the short story, Odin’s Ravens.

This is truly one reason that we can call Odin the All-Father, as he is the one that gifted life.
I love mythology and look forward to diving into more soon.