Behind the Music
Today I'm rewriting my past, with a changed mindset, and
embracing my new reality.
We are told many things growing up, receiving tons of nasty or negative messaging.
Sometimes, that includes messages that our heart's desires will never come true and that we should stop trying.
I've always been drawn to music and the arts.
Art feeds other forms of art.
But due to limitations, I thought those days of singing were long gone... dreams that just weren't meant to come into fruition. Today, though, I sort of wish I could go back and tell my younger self that it would all be okay, that young Tina would become this Renaissance woman, capable of breaking glass ceilings, following her heart, and will find her happiness.
Creation, bringing something from an idea into reality, is like no other feeling. It is physically manifesting a new reality of something that you only saw as possible in your mind and now can hold in your hands, listen to, and just enjoy.
I don't know if you remember, but a couple of months ago, I mentioned how I was starting a story, and the character would only speak with poetry. This is one of the heartwrenching poems. But even when the poem was done, there wasn't a sense that the journey was over. It called me to do more with it.
Yes, I went out in search of a producer and we worked on it.
Then, no longer was it just about the words, the lyrics I'd created, but a chance for me to sing again, too.
I took it.
I grasped ahold to a future I only saw in my mind's eye and gripped on to it for dear life.
No matter where this will take me, I've created a piece of life's soundtrack, and hearing my melodic voice will always prove that I am truly unstoppable.
New Music Teaser
New Music
We’re in the throes of holiday season. This week, we celebrated the Winter Solstice (here in the northern hemisphere), which was the shortest day of daylight.
This year has been so many things for so many, and back in April I wasn’t sure I’d still be here. Having such a battle with my health put some things in perspective, I guess, too…
Because next week, a dream will come true.
I’m releasing my first song, “Vibe with Me" next week!
This song came from a poem which I wrote…which led to my searching out a producer to work with, and now…it’s a real song…like I can barely even fathom that my words are put to music. I can’t wait for you to hear it and to see the music video.
When I was in high school, I escaped through music and it has always called to me somehow or another, but I am grateful to add to the soundtrack of life.
I thought that door had closed forever. Yet, I am so glad to rediscover this passion. I teamed up with Nicholas Berg, who you can also find on Fiverr. If you do touch base with him, please let him know I sent you.
Stay tuned, next week we will hit this hard and fast.
Until then, watch the video teaser!